Anatomy of envoy proxy: the architecture of envoy and how it works

Anatomy of envoy proxy: the architecture of envoy and how it works

Envoy has become more and more popular, the basic functionality is quite similar to Nginx, working as a high performace Web server, proxy. But Enovy imported a lot of features that was related to SOA or Microservice like Service Discovery, Circuit Breaker, Rate limiting and so on.

A lot of developers know the roles envoy plays, and the basic functionality it will implement, but don’t know how it organize the architecture and how we understand its configuration well. For me, it’s not easy to understand envoy’s architecture and its configuration since it has a lot of terminology, but if the developer knew how the user traffic goes, he could understand the design of envoy.

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微服务实践一: 架构图谱

微服务实践一: 架构图谱


  1. 服务拆分与服务发现
  2. 微服务框架选择
  3. 服务间通信
  4. 服务编排
  5. 配置管理
  6. 服务容错与降级
  7. 监控
    • API监控
    • 服务调用链
    • 服务负载
    • 基础依赖监控
  8. 日志分析

Monolithic vs Microservice

Monolithic Microservice
开发测试 Java类语言项目越大,运行调试需要越多的编译时间,本地调试有较多依赖,况且业务复杂后不易新人上手 只有部分功能的代码,运行更快速,根据业务划分,方便新人上手
部署 更新整个项目 更新一个微服务
生产调试 日志集中,调试方便 日志分散,服务依赖复杂;拓容简便





  1. 浏览器发起下单请求到负载均衡(LB)
  2. 负载均衡派发请求到API gateway
  3. API gateway查询服务发现,找到user服务和store服务,将用户信息和商品ID发送给store服务,
  4. store服务查询MySQL,找到商品信息,生成订单信息,将请求发送给payment服务
  5. payment服务根据用户指定的支付渠道,向第三方服务发起请求,存储订单信息,并返回订单状态
  6. store服务 -> API gateway -> LB
  7. LB返回数据到浏览器



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