How to set up a reasonable memory limit for Java applications in Kubernetes
How to alert for Pod Restart & OOMKilled in Kubernetes
How does Prometheus query work? - Part 1, Step, Query and Range
How to check and monitor SSL certificates expiration with Telegraf

How to check and monitor SSL certificates expiration with Telegraf

As a developer or operator of a Website, the certificate expiration could happen and make the services not work. I’ll introduce how to monitor certificates like SSL,JKS,P12 using Telegraf.

Certificates are broadly used for security reasons, they can be used within internal service or public service communication. The most common certificate is TLS used for verifying the identity of the HTTPS service. To increase security, the certificate will not be always valid because of expiration. To prevent the certificate expiry, we should rotate them periodically and meanwhile monitor them and alert if expired. Telegraf is a popular metric collecting tool to implement this.

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Generate monitoring dashboards & alertings using Grafana API

Generate monitoring dashboards & alertings using Grafana API

Grafana has been adopted as a common monitoring dashboard by more and more companies, in many cases, when operators need to create dashboard repeatedly they either choose to use template variables or create dashboards one by one. I think it’s very useful to leverage the Grafana API to generate the monitoring dashboards automatically from template.

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